Router Table Depot Posting Page
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
There is no denying that one of the most rewarding woodworking projects that any amateur woodworker can create is a full functional bird house that can be quickly inhabited by the birds that frequent their gardens. Such birdhouses can be built in a day or they may take a few days or even weeks. The time that it will take you depends upon your level of expertise, your comfort level when using power tools and hand tools and your budget.

So what are the tools necessary for building a bird house?

Many of the tools that a DIY handyman uses can be used when building birdhouses. Remembering that a bird house is made from wood means that most of the tools you will need must be suited to working with wood. For cutting your lumber to the required lengths you will need a saw. A saw can be a general use carpenter's saw or you may choose to spend a little extra money on specific saws for each job - ie. tenon saws, jigsaw's, coping saws and the like. The rest of the tools are usually found in most people's garden shed's or tool boxes - a hammer and nails, screw driver's, cutting knives, tape measure's and straight-edged ruler's.

The Design of Your Bird House / Birdhouses - This is something that needs to be thought out before attempting to build a bird house as a hobby and even more important for those people who are planning to sell birdhouses to make some extra money. A simple bird house is just a few pieces of timber that have been joined together, it needs to have a floor, three sides and a roof. A simple bird house can be perched on a specially made stand and placed in your garden or it can be mounted up on a branch in a tree. A bird house that is free-standing will need to have some conveniently placed perches attached for them to perch on when eating the food that you have placed inside, but a tree will not necessarily need extra perches due to the fact that it already has branches.

Whatever your reason for building birdhouses, whether it be as a hobby or to beautify your garden / yard or even to sell them at your local flea market or hobby market, there are many resources that can help you to reach your goals and get the job done.
You can read more woodworking articles about making money in a  woodworking business here.

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by: Router Table Depot


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