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Friday, February 6, 2009

What woodworkers do in cold weather

Well it is the middle of January and you don’t live in Florida. This year that pretty much means you are freezing somewhere and your entertainment options are somewhat limited. If you are just starting to take up the hobby of woodworking, this is a great time to hunker down with a hot cup of your favorite beverage and make some serious sawdust. Nothing is more relaxing than being productive in the workshop on a Saturday morning.

So what do you make?

Well in this economy it is all about spending your money wisely. Going to the furniture store to buy items for the home can be shell shock to your wallet. Surprisingly a lot of home owners are spending more time at home and making their own furniture for the home. Popular items made are entertainment centers, TV consoles, dining room tables, kitchen cabinets and beds. When you think about it, it does make perfect sense. You never really know what your getting when you purchase today’s high priced furniture.

Common building practices

Today furniture manufacturers have to figure out how to make decorative items faster and cheaper. It does not always mean solid wood items and hand craftsmanship. In fact just the opposite is usually the case. Use of imported woods and fibers combined with attractive veneers make up most of today’s sheet stock items. Finding anything made in the USA is getting harder and harder and finding it made of solid wood is even more of a challenge. The fact is, its cheaper to bring it in and have third world labor assemble and build furniture.


Craftsmen are actually making a come back in popularity because of the availability of plans and media content that helps you build a piece of quality furniture. Not only do you save money, but you end up with something that is better quality. (if you did it right) It does not really even matter nowadays if the price of that quality is a couple of Saturday mornings jointing some wood that you have been saving. Which gets me back to my cold morning discussion, what do guys make in the cold weather? Why anything they put their minds too. With the onslaught of media coverage encouraging people to save money and be smart with their finances, even spouses are getting on board. That just sweetens the deal if I know my wife does not mind me spending extra time in the workshop.

Not just furniture

The same also applies to other items besides furniture. Making jigs and equipment for the workshop is proving very popular. Building your own cabinets and stands as well as building a custom router table is also growing. You can save a lot of money and get a custom tool or cabinet and actually spend less than buying one new. Upgrading your garage with custom cabinets that all match certainly adds value to your home and gets you a lot of kudos from your spouse.

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