Router Table Depot Posting Page
Friday, June 5, 2009

DeWalt Wood Working Routers: The Best on the Market

When choosing a woodworking router there is no better router that you can buy than the DeWalt DW618PK. DeWalt wood working routers are the most durable and efficient routers on the market. What makes this router unique is that the router has combo kits that fix and combine one motor to two separate bases. The first base is a fixed base that fits as a table mounted router and the other is a plunge base that is good for cutting groves in the middle or interior of your piece of wood. The 2.25hp DeWalt wood working router has enough power for those serious jobs that need special attention and a speed that is comfortable for the user and at the same time, the best machine for the job.

If you decide to go with a DeWalt plunge router, remember it only takes a little force to overcome the springs for your depth control issues. You would use this router in a shallow or quick routing phase that is more for shaping then for cutting or trimming. The DeWalt wood working router has enough power for this task, but the job calls for a little more finesse and not that much horse power. When you use the router make sure that you make the cut at a single depth. The plunge router works better with a larger diameter and is a lot more efficient than a fixed base router. You do lose some control, but that is over passed by the plunging action that creates great cuts and trims neat and clean.

If you plan to use a desk attachable model you might want to make sure that the DeWalt wood working router has a pin and helix design. This is a secure system that uses four pins to lock the motor into place and provide stability and accuracy. With the pins in place the motor will not drop from the casing in case it is upside down or becomes unstable. This way you can position the router in any position that includes backwards, upside down, and sideways. These routers work best on a router table, but can be used without the table at all. These types of routers are so accurate you can cut within .001 inch of your intended cut.

Either model works well, but it is up to the craftsman or wood worker to decide which router is the best for their specific task and experience level. You do not want a piece of equipment that you cannot handle or one that has too much power for you. You want to make a clean cut and a straight routing line that will not hurt the integrity of your stock. No matter what DeWalt wood working router you choose, make sure you read the manufactures’’ instructions and warnings. Even if you are experienced, read the instruction book to make sure you are getting the most out of the product. You can ask your local hardware store for suggestions or you can go online and research the subject yourself.

by: Router Table Depot


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